I know most of you have heard of, and maybe even participated in, National Novel Writing Month, a.k.a. NaNoWriMo. Or even further shortened to NaNo. For those of you who live under a rock, NaNoWriMo is where seemingly insane writer's gather around and race the clock to finish a 50, 000 word novel in one month. Yes, you heard correctly; 50,000 words written in one month. It only comes around once a year though; in November.
But something awesome happened a few years ago and the amazing creators of NaNoWriMo started Camp NaNoWriMo, which takes place in different months within the year before November. The last one was in April, and now it's here once again in July!
It's the same concept, but a little more laid back than November's NaNoWriMo. During Camp NaNoWriMo you may choose your own word count goal as long as it's within the word count goal guidelines and then just. . . write! Write to your hearts content towards your goal and come July 31st, if you've met your goal, you win! *throws confetti*
My goal for July's Camp NaNo is: 20,000 words.
That is only at least 646 words a day, every day, until the end of July to meet my goal. :)
Since I'm participating, I'll try to update every day for a recap of my word stats. Here are my status for Day One of Camp NaNoWriMo July 2014.
Daily Goal: 646 words
Total Words: 1, 848
How many words over today? I went over my word count goal of 646 by 1, 202. Not bad for the first day. :) Hope I can keep it up!
Week One Goal: 3, 876
How many more words until weekly goal is met? 2, 028 more words until I meet this weeks word count goal.
How many more words until monthly goal is met? 18, 152 more words until my goal of 20, 000 for this month is met.
If you're participating in Camp NaNo, please share your word count goals and how you did on the first day! :)
Yes, sir, Mr. Batman! Lol! Great job on the first day, blew that goal out of the water. Have fun camping this month. ;)
ReplyDeleteThank you! I went over my goal today as well, which I'm happy about. Also finished the first chapter. Happy with my progress so far. :) Now if I can just keep it up.